Advance Care Planning is a way to help you think about, plan, talk about and share your thoughts and wishes about your future health care.

Advance Care Planning gives you a voice and a choice in future decision making if there comes a time when you are unable to make decisions about your care.

An Advance Care Plan in the ACT consists of:

Each State and Territory have their own legislation on Advance Care Planning. includes information and forms for each State and Territory in Australia.


Why families should make an Advance Care Plan

“Capital Health Network gratefully acknowledges the work of the Hunter New England Health Service in the production of the "A Family's Journey" video, the three snippets from the video that appear on this site were commissioned and funded by the Carer Support Unit, Central Coast Local Health District (CSU CCLHD) permission to use the content granted by the CSU CCLHD." 

Capital Health Network acknowledges the Advance Care Planning Program® ACT for their contribution to the content of this website.


Community Information Sessions

Learn more about Advance Care Planning.

Would you like to attend a community information
session about Advance Care Planning?

Would you like to book an appointment with a
trained facilitator to help you complete an Advance
Care Plan?

The Advance care Planning Program (previously known as the Respecting Patient Choices program), located at the Canberra Hospital, can help you.

Email  [email protected]
Or call during business hours : 02 5124 9274

Advanced Care Planning
Public Trustee and Guardian
ACT Government Health
Capital Health Network

Contact us by email
Telephone 02 6287 8099